Saturday, 29 December 2012
Missa Cantata for Epiphany
The great feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord will be celebrated on Sunday 6th January with a Missa Cantata at Our Lady and St Alphege, Oldfield Lane, Bath BA2 3NR, at 12 noon.
Low Mass will be celebrated on Epiphany at St Benedict's Stratton-on-the-Fosse; Holy Cross Bedminster; Prinknash Abbey; and St Dominic's Dursley at the normal Sunday times - please see the sidebar for details.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Publication of FIUV Traditional Position Papers in a Single Volume
Monday, 10 December 2012
Update - Midnight Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Masses in December and early Jan, including Christmas Day and Epiphany
8am at St Dominic's Dursley,
8.15am at Prinknash Abbey
10am at Our Lady and St Kenelm, Stow-on-the-Wold.
On 11th December there will be a Low Mass at the Eyre Chantry, Perrymead Cemetery in Bath, at 12.30pm.
On Christmas Day the following Latin Masses will be celebrated:
Looking ahead to the feast of Epiphany, which falls on the first Sunday of 2013, Mass will be celebrated as follows:
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Confirmations in the Traditional Rite in London
Monday, 19 November 2012
Change to time of Glastonbury Mass
Please make a note of the new time, and pass on the news to anyone who might be interested.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Requiem Mass at the Eyre Chantry, Bath
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Solemn High Requiem Mass for All Souls at Holy Cross, Bedminster
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A view of the church before the start of Mass:
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Missa Cantata and Juventutem Social - Wednesday 7 November 2012
'Renew your faith by attending Holy Mass. Keep your mind focused on the mystery that is unfolding before your eyes. In your mind's eye transport yourself to Calvary and meditate on the Victim who offers Himself to Divine Justice, paying the price of your redemption.' St Padre Pio
Juventutem Bristol has organised a Missa Cantata on Wednesday 7 November 2012 (Feria) at 6.30pm at Holy Cross, Dean Lane, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 1DB which is followed by a Juventutem Social.
Furthermore, the Holy Mass is offered for the intentions of the Bristol Pro-Life Groups.
Confessions in the Traditional Rite is normally available from 6.00pm
Please support the Holy Mass and encourage other young orthodox Catholics to attend! Introduce someone to the beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Masses in Clifton for All Saints and All Souls
Our Lady of Glastonbury - 12.15pm Low Mass
Friday, 12 October 2012
Mass at the Eyre Chantry, Bath
Saturday, 15 September 2012
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross – Solemn High Mass at Devizes, 14th September: report and photos.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Mass for the Nativity of Our Blessed Lady at Glastonbury – report.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Mass at Glastonbury Abbey for Our Lady's Birthday, Saturday 8th September

A Low Mass will be celebrated at 11am on Saturday 8th September for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the crypt chapel of the ruined Abbey of St Mary at Glastonbury.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Feast of the Assumption – Mass at St Michael the Archangel, Shepton Mallet
Fr Philip Thomas was the Celebrant, Fr Andrew Goodman was Deacon and Fr Alexander Redman Sub-deacon. Fr Bede Rowe acted as Master of Ceremonies.
Rupert Bevan led a choir of 18 singers, including several ex-Wells and ex-Exeter Cathedral choir members, and three former Westminster Cathedral choristers. The Mass setting was Palestrina’s Missa Assumpta est Maria, based on the motet of the same name, which was also sung at the Mass. The Communion motet was Lobo’s Ave Maria.
Fr Andrew Goodman preached the homily, and spoke about the striking parallels between Our Blessed Lady, Elizabeth her cousin, and Hannah the mother of Samuel. All three were ‘women of faith’, handmaids of the Lord, who put their lives into God’s hands and were richly rewarded. We too, said Fr Goodman, are called to be humble, faithful, trusting servants of God.
The small church was almost full, and there were well over 60 communicants. Grateful thanks to Fr Thomas for organising the Mass, and to Fr Goodman, Fr Redman and Fr Rowe. Sincere thanks too, to all the servers who took part in the Mass, and to Rupert Bevan and his splendid choir.
Mary Assumed into Heaven, pray for us.

Friday, 3 August 2012
The Feast of the Assumption, 15th August

The great feast of the Assumption of Our Lady is nearly upon us.
St Dominic’s, Jubilee Road, DURSLEY, Gloucestershire GL11 4ES - 8.00am - Low Mass
Prinknash Abbey, CRANHAM, Gloucestershire GL4 8EX - 8.15am - Low Mass
Our Lady of Glastonbury, Magdalene Street, GLASTONBURY BA6 9EJ - 12.15pm - Low Mass
Holy Cross Church, Dean Lane, Bedminster, BRISTOL BS3 1DB - 12.45pm - Low Mass
St Michael's Church, SHEPTON MALLET, Somerset BA4 5HP - 7.30pm - Solemn High Mass
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Mass for the Sacred Heart at Devizes, June 15th 2012
Friday, 8 June 2012
Mass of Corpus Christi, Weston-super-Mare, 7th June 2012.
Missa Cantata at Cricklade, 29th May
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Solemn High Mass at Downside, 5th May
Dom Boniface Hill, OSB was the celebrant, Fr Andrew Goodman was Deacon and Fr Philip Thomas Sub-deacon.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
‘Father Z’ Heads Impressive Line-up of Speakers at LMS’s First One-Day Conference on 9 June

Father John Zuhlsdorf, best known as the blogger ‘Fr Z’, will be one of the speakers at the Latin Mass Society’s Conference on Saturday 9 June in central London. This is the first time that the LMS has organised such an event and we are very excited to have such a strong line-up. In addition to Fr Zuhlsdorf will be Fr Tim Finigan, parish priest, blogger and newspaper columnist; Dr John Rao of ‘The Roman Forum’; John Hunwicke, blogger and well-known member of the Ordinariate; and Stuart McCullough of the Good Counsel Network. They will address the audience on the conference theme of ‘The Traditional Mass and the Catholic Life’.
We hope that our guests’ talks will demonstrate that there’s more to Traditional Catholics than simply attending the Traditional Mass. Following the end of the talks, there will be a panel discussion to round off the day. The conference is aimed principally at ordinary LMS members, although non-members are very welcome to join us.
The Conference Venue is: Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ (opposite BHS, less than 5 minutes’ walk from Oxford Circus)
Admission is by ticket only. Full price tickets are £20 each, but there is a discounted price for paid-up LMS members of £15 each. In addition, we are supplying an optional buffet lunch for which there is a £9 supplement. So far, most people have booked in for the lunch (drinks are included). We are hoping that lunchtime will provide conference attendees with the chance to meet and chat with their fellow LMS members from up and down the country and to some of the speakers.
Tickets are available from the LMS office on 020 7404 7284 or online at:
There is a Low Mass before the Conference begins at St James’s, Spanish Place at 9am, for those who can attend. Doors open at Regent Hall from 10am and there will be a number of stalls for you to browse round (during which refreshments will be available – there will also be afternoon tea) before the first speaker begins at 11am. The Conference will close at 6pm.
Here is the full timetable and a summary of booking information:
9am Low Mass at St James's, Spanish Place.
10am Doors open.
10am -11am Registration. Stalls in the Conference Hall will be available to browse
11am - 11.50am 1st talk: Dr John Rao (Roman Forum)
12 noon - 12.50pm 2nd talk: Stuart McCullough (Good Counsel Network)
2pm - 2.50pm 3rd talk: Fr John Zuhlsdorf (Fr Z)
3pm - 3.50pm 4th talk: Fr Tim Finigan (columnist and blogger)
4pm - 4.50pm 5th talk: John Hunwicke (of the Ordinariate)
5pm - 6pm Panel discussion
6pm Close
Admission is by ticket only.
Ticket prices:
LMS Members £15
Non-LMS Members £20
(includes morning and afternoon refreshments)
Optional: Buffet lunch including drinks £9 supplement
You can buy your ticket by phoning the LMS office on 020 7404 7284, sending a cheque (payable to 'LMS') to LMS, 11-13 Macklin Street, London WC2B 5NH or online here:
For further information, please contact Mike Lord, General Manager,
on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585; (E mail)
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Bishop Drainey Leads LMS Pilgrimage to York

The Bishop of Middlesbrough, Rt Rev Terence Drainey, led a procession through the streets of York, as part of the Latin Mass Society’s 2nd Annual Pilgrimage to York in honour of St Margaret Clitherow on Saturday, 24 March. This followed a Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St Wilfrid’s Church at which Bishop Drainey had presided at the Faldstool, and which attracted pilgrims from across England and Wales and overseas. The music was provided by the Rudgate Singers who sang a Mass setting by contemporary composer Jeffrey Ostrowski and pieces by Victoria, Bruckner and Scarlatti.
During the Mass, the bishop preached on the danger posed in contemporary society by moral relativism. ‘This relativism seems to permeate our world today to such an extent that it is part of the cultural and societal air that we breathe. If we are not on our guard it will taint us and affect us. It is an evil about which our Holy Father, Pope Benedict has spoken on many occasions,’ said the bishop. He went on to say that this was nothing new and, indeed, Bl. John Henry Newman had spoken nearly two centuries ago about the dangers to the faith posed by liberalism and religious indifferentism.
After Mass, Bishop Drainey led the procession through the narrow streets of the city, as pilgrims prayed the Rosary. Passing St Margaret Clitherow’s house and her shrine in The Shambles, the line of people crossed Ouse Bridge where the bishop drew attention to the site of St Margaret’s martyrdom, now marked by a plaque. The procession reached the Church of the English Martyrs where Solemn Benediction was celebrated. A relic of St Margaret’s hand, which was kindly lent by the Sisters at the Bar Convent, was exposed for veneration by the faithful.
LMS General Manager Mike Lord commented, ‘The pilgrimage was an important witness to the Catholic Faith in times when our religion is once again under attack. This was brought home by some of the negative comments made from the crowd as the procession made its way through York’s city centre. We were delighted that Bishop Drainey was able to join us and his encouraging sermon was much praised by pilgrims on what was a very successful day.’
Photo attribution: Andrew Sheffield
For further information, please contact Mike Lord, General Manager,
on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585; (E mail)