Wednesday 30 January 2013
First Thursday at Weston-super-Mare - date change
Fr Martin Queenan is unable to celebrate the First Thursday Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, Weston-super-Mare, on 7th February. He will be celebrating the Mass instead on Thursday 14th February, at 9.30am.
Monday 14 January 2013
Epiphany Mass in Bath - report
For the first time since the late 1960s, a Missa Cantata was celebrated on the feast of Epiphany at the beautiful church of Our Lady and St Alphege in Bath. The church, designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott in the 1920s, in the style of an early Christian basilica, provides a wonderful setting for Mass. With the recent arrival of Fr Kevin Knox-Lecky as parish priest, the Traditional form of the Mass has been restored to St Alphege’s on third Sundays and holy days.
The feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord was celebrated with great beauty and dignity. The music was exquisite: the choir, conducted by Elizabeth Bates, sang Victoria’s O Magnum Mysterium, and the offertory motet was Reges Tarsis by Palestrina. Of the six servers at the altar, three were brand new to serving, and for two of them, including a young man of 13, it was the first Latin Mass they had ever served. It was a great event for all, and we look forward to more musical Masses at
St Alphege’s in the future.
Wednesday 9 January 2013
LMS Launches Sodality of St Augustine of Hippo for the Conversion of Lapsed Catholics and Others
This is a really good idea, and you are warmly encouraged to join...
Introduction to the LMS Sodality of St Augustine of
purpose of the Sodality is to unite the prayers of members for the conversion
of those dear to them. There can be few Catholics today who do not have family
members or close friends who have either lapsed from the practice of the Faith,
or never had it; it is a particular source of grief when parents see children
and grandchildren living without the support of the Sacraments. We take heart
from the example of St Augustine, converted at last by the prayers and tears of
his mother St Monica, and wish to demonstrate our fellowship with others in the
same position, by praying not only for our own dear ones, but for those of
others who will do the same for ours.
Sodality members
undertake to say every day the prayer Pro devotis amicis, taken from the Roman Missal, for the
Sodality’s intention; members who are priests undertake to say one Mass a month
for this intention. The intention is the conversion or return to the Faith of
family and friends of Sodality members. The intended beneficiaries of our
prayers are not listed, except in the hearts of Sodality members. The Latin
Mass Society, to which the Sodality is affiliated, will arrange and announce in
advance at least one public, Traditional Sung (or Solemn) Mass for the
Sodality’s intentions a year.
members, both lay and clerical, may add other Masses, prayers, and devotions,
for the Sodality’s intention, and are encouraged to do so. In particular,
members will be asked annually if they wish to make a contribution to the costs
of the Sodality’s public Mass or Masses, and whether they would like to make a
Mass offering for an additional Mass or Masses to be said for the Sodality’s
intention, which the Latin Mass Society will arrange, to be celebrated
according to the Extraordinary Form. (The customary Mass Offering is £10.)
of the Sodality is free and open to all; members sign up by email (
The Sodality Prayer: Pro devotis amicis
(which may be said in Latin or any other language):
eus, qui caritátis dona per grátiam
Sancti Spíritus tuórum fidélium córdibus infudísti : da fámulis et famulábus
tuis, pro quibus tuam deprecámur cleméntiam, salútem mentis et córporis ; ut te
tota virtúte díligent, et quæ tibi plácita sunt, tota dilectióne perfíciant.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in
unitáte eiúsdem Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saecula sæculórum. Amen.
God, who, by the grace of the Holy Ghost, hast poured the
gifts of charity in the hearts of thy faithful, grant to thy servants and
handmaids, for whom we entreat thy mercy, health of mind and body; that they
may love thee with all their strength and, by perfect love, may do what is
pleasing to thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and
reigneth in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
Masses for the
intention of the Sodality should include, when possible, the Commemoration ‘Pro
Devotis Amicis’
(Collect, Secret and Postcommunion) found in the Roman Missal. Adding such a
Commemoration is possible in the 1962 Missal on Fourth Class Feasts at Low
Mass, where no more than one Commemoration is demanded by the Ordo.
further information, please contact Mike Lord, General Manager,
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