Since you are reading this blog, it is most likely that you are interested in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. There is also a good chance that you are a member of the Latin Mass Society, which has done so much over the past 40 years to maintain and promote the Tridentine form of the Mass.
Some of you, however, might not yet be members. If you are not, this is a brief word to ask whether you would kindly consider joining.
The LMS is the leading organisation in the country campaigning for the Extraordinary Form. But the society doesn’t simply arrange Masses. They organize pilgrimages – to Chartres (see pic), Walsingham, Holywell, Glastonbury among others – which are open to all, and which provide an important public witness to the Faith. They hold generously subsidised training conferences for priests who wish to start celebrating the Extraordinary Form but who have never learned before, and for those who wish to become servers at the Mass. No-one else in the country does this. They organize instruction in Gregorian Chant, an annual summer school, family retreats and many other events. The Society forms a vital network for people who want to see and help the Traditional form of the Mass to flourish. By joining the LMS you will become part of a worldwide movement which is larger than your parish, broader than your diocese, and growing all the time.
The cost of becoming an ordinary member is £20 per annum.
Joint membership is £30 p.a.
Students and under-18s - £10 p.a.
Life membership - £400.
You will receive the Society’s quarterly magazine, Mass of Ages, which is full of interesting articles together with comprehensive Mass listings.
You can join online – simply go to http://www.lms.org.uk/join-us
Alternatively, you can contact the Latin Mass Society directly:
11 - 13 Macklin Street,
London WC2B 5NH
E-mail: info@lms.org.uk
Telephone: 020 7404 7284
If you are a member already, please consider passing this message on to someone you know who is interested in the Extraordinary Form.
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